An escape to a world of Mosaic
Seven is truly a unique number. It is said to represent the wholeness, completeness and even perfection. The legend of the creation story says “God made the world in six days & on the seventh day, he rested. Seven heavens, seven lives and seven wonders of the world.”
Introducing the seventh wonder of the literary world ‘Fractured Mosaic’ by Sabarna Roy. Recently released, the book is an enthralling journey of the human mind. Sabarna Roy is an Indian author born in 1967. An engineer by day and an author by night, he has been actively writing for over a decade.
Mr Roy is a multispectral personality, aiming high and achieving even higher. A man with a deep conscience, Sabarna is a strong believer in the Paris climate accord and goes out of his way to keep his carbon footprint in check.
His niche is wide and so is his reach, bringing multiple facets in his story. The author aces all genres be it a ballad or a poem. He aces the art of novels and novellas and he writes incorporating multiple genres in just one book.
In Mr Roy’s writing career, he has covered countless literary styles like short stories, novella, ballads, narrative poetry, plays, conversations, non-fictional writing, critical analysis of ideas and events, etc.
Fractured Mosaic like his other literary works is a tribune of the author’s thoughts and musings, which provides an interesting and an intellectually stimulating treat for the discerning reader. The author sways in his writings, keeping his style introspective.
In current difficult times, don’t you want to just forget it all and live somewhere else, like in a book! To break you off your misery and let you free from your mind’s prison. Mr Roy’s work reflects the mind that vibes on so many different levels. In times of Corona, the author has been rewarded a certificate for The Real Super Heroes for spreading a spirit of positivity and hope during the COVID-19 pandemic from Forever Star India Award 2020.
With 7 books in print and hopefully many more in the making, Sabarna Roy will be hosted by Writing Geeks in tandem with Leadstart at the official launch event on 8th May ’21, Saturday at 5 PM at the Oxford Bookstore, Connaught Place, Delhi. Amidst the welfare of books, the session will be an introspective and a deep discussion of the human mind.
The event will be divided into three parts. Beginning with an interactive question and answer session with the author, it will be followed by a musical performance to keep the audience engaged. Finally, the event will end with a high tea session for all the attendees. Lastly, the organizers have arranged for some goodies and surprises for everyone who attends. Throughout the event, all safety measures will be enforced to keep the audience content and safe.
Unlike other authors, Sabarna Roy’s writing is non-linear and revolutionary that sets his literary works a class apart. All this is reflected in his book and will be discussed in the session. The writing style is dynamic and can take a turn for the light or for the dark, anytime.